Thursday, December 4, 2008

Shine on, you prissy diamond

Okay. I read Twilight, and didn't like it. Gasp! I have big, big issues with "heroines" who are vapid, mindless satellites that exist purely to circle morosely (or giddily, depending on the day) around the sun that is their "love", and I also have bigger, bigger issues with fellow Saints who think just because an author shares membership in their faith they have a get out of jail free card for not thinking critically through a text. (I don't think we're supposed to celebrate lust, even if it is thinly veiled and not-so-graphically described. Let's be honest. Bella's a horndog.) But I read the first one, and attempted to read New Moon as well. I got about a third of the way through before I hurled the awful book across the room at the wall. When nice Jacob Black fell for brainless Bella, I just couldn't take it anymore and I quit.

So, imagine my glee when I found this amazing blog where all four (four!) books and the chapters of Midnight Sun are very snarkily synopsized! I can enjoy mocking Stephenie Meyer's magnum opus without actually reading the rest of them. See--I'm not a good person at all. And kind of a big hypocrite. But I gotta get a good laugh wherever I can find it right now.

Warning for the sensitive--this girl ain't LDS and she doesn't hold back with the profanity. F-words quite abound, and she takes the Lord's name in vain. Forgive me for corrupting you, but don't say I didn't warn you. Besides, "Twilight means never having to say you're kidding." HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Enjoy!